Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home

Identifying native plants on our land In flower spring/ summer
September 23 October 23 November 23 December 23 January 24 Spring 24 Summer 24
Native plants: Summer 24
In September 23, we gave ourselves the task of finding, identifying and photographing a different wild/native plant from our land every single day.
We planned to do it till the plants ran out, or the days ran out, or we ran out.... whichever came sooner....
We got to mid January 24 just before cold and rain and wind meant we stopped being able to find any new plants on our daily searches and so we stopped looking and promised ourselves to return to the task when spring got going.....
In April 24 we began again, although are now tasking ourselves not only to find new plants but also record all those we find in flower throughout spring, summer and autumn. This will give us a chance to re-find the 133 plants found over the 23/24 winter but also to hopefully find new ones too. The total of native plants to date will be recorded as we go.
(Disclaimer: we are very much amateur botanists and reply on books, the internet and plant apps to help us identify the plants we find, we may not always get it right and are happy to receive feedback on any of the identifications we make.)
Current plant count on our land: = 168 (NEW this summer = 15
July 22nd 2024
Groundsel - Senecio vulgaris
On our land: only here so far
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July 21st 2024
Lesser Trefoil - Trifolium dubium
Poultry area, edge of flagstones
On our land: only here so far
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July 17th 2024
Marsh Cudweed - Gnaphalium uliginosum
Goat field, outside shelter
On our land: only here so far
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July 15th 2024
Meadowsweet - Filipendula ulmaria
Green Lane, far side
On our land: here and some in 4-Fruit tree area
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July 15th 2024
Tutsan - Hypericum androsaemum
Green lane, top end on left
On our land: just here so far
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July 9th 2024
Great/hairy willowherb - Epilobium hirsutum
Poultry area
On our land: commonality not yet known
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July 8th 2024
Meadow vetchling - Lathyrus pratensis
Goat field, inner hedgerow
On our land: commonality not yet known
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July 8th 2024
Slender St. John's wort - Hypericum pulchrum
Swallow field
On our land: commonality not yet known
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July 5th 2024
Common valerian - Valeriana officinalis
Goat field, outer hedgerow
On our land: several in this hedge
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July 2nd 2024
Enchanter's nightshade - Circaea lutetiana
On our land: common in garden and some on land
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June 29th 2024
Scarlet Pimpernel - Anagallis arvensis
On our land: not seen apart from here
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June 29th 2024
Hoary Willowherb - Epilobium parviflorum
On our land: commonality not yet known
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June 28th 2024
Bog Stichwort - Stellaria alsine
Oak field, near top
On our land: also round well?
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June 27th 2024
Common (prostrate) knotweed - Polygonum aviculare
Goat Field, flagstones outsude shelter
On our land: here and on flags outside barn so far
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June 22nd 2024
Field-rose - Rosa arvensise
Goat Field, inner hedgerow
On our land: only seen here so far
Relaxed at Home
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