Tuesday 21st August 2018

Pastures new!!
Today saw three of our goat kids leave us for their new home!! The sadness we felt was almost totally disappated by the fact we have sold them to very good friends of ours just half an hour away and so not only do we know they are going to have a great life, but we will also get to see them every now and again!! The three that have gone are Dash and Rocket (Pebble’s kids) and Fennel, Sorrel’s female. We had wondered about keeping Dash in order for Pebble’s to then be part of a pair. We had also had the thought about selling Pebbles along with both her kids but in the end, our friend falling in love with the two kids helped make our decision. We will get Pebbles into kid again this autumn hopefully and then see what next year brings.
Relaxed at Home
We are not entirely sure we want to put any goat meat in the freezer so still hope to sell our remaining three boys. We did have a family round to view them over the weekend but having not heard back from them, we assume they are not interested. The fact that they asked about how much goats escape about five seconds before we rounded the corner and found Sorrel and one of her kids had got through into the 4-acre field, may NOT have helped!!! (cue hysterical laughter…).