Thursday 2nd August 2018

In not such great news, two of our rhea have the ‘sniffles’. In keeping with all sorts of other ‘health’ annoyances on the smallholding: red mites, excess flies to name but two, sniffly poultry is yet another example of why we really do need a break in the weather.
Relaxed at Home
In the case of the rhea, their sniffles may be due to Microplasma, a disease caused by the presence of bacteria which can cause bubbly eyes, runny nostrils and rattly chests. We saw all three of these symptoms in one bird and the runny nostrils and rattly breathing in the second.
We are treating with Baytril which is administered orally by a syringe: not an easy procedure with a bird that has huge leg muscles; a tendency NOT to stand still, ever; and a long neck!!!
In seven days, the symptoms should have disappeared and our hope is that no other birds show any signs of having caught the illness in that time frame. Finger crossed!!!