Sunday 8th July 2018

Dash Farm Walk
Today we opened our doors to members of DASH (Devon Association of Smallholders) for our third 'Relaxed' Farm Walk. It was a great afternoon as we welcomed old and new faces to the smallholding and then took them all on a guided tour!!
Relaxed at Home
The animals were well behaved on the whole, well, aside from the cows disappearing (when we wanted them to hang around) and the turkeys making too much noise and so drowning out Jack's voice.
It was hot mind you and so we took in shade where we could. It was great to talk smallholding with so many like minded people and find out how much we had in common. The rhea were a great hit as were Onion’s kids who, perfectly on cue, were waiting for us in the barn and more than happy to receive lots of cuddles… (as did Stonefly - now there's a surprise...)