Friday 15th June 2018

Lost chicks and 'found' hedgehogs
Mild (!!) panic this morning when we couldn’t find our three leghorn chicks under our IG cross broody. Had she squashed them, eaten them? Surely not. We weren't too frantic as we searched all the nest boxes, nooks and crannies in the stables... (we lie..)
Relaxed at Home
But no, in the end we found them very happily snuggled under the Indian Game with her Maran chicks, giving her a grand total of 12 to look after. Not quite sure whether the chicks left of their own accord or whether they were abandoned and rescued by the IG, but a good outcome either way!.
In other news, we have a hedgehogs in our garden: a seriously exciting discovery, made by the dogs we might add who ‘uncovered’ this chap(ess) in the middle of the day. We were alerted by frantic barking and went out to discover the hedgehog curled up in a very tight ball with Yeti standing guard!! We donned a pair of gloves and moved it beyond the dogs' reach.
We very much hope to see it and maybe a mate or two again so will be taking the torch out at night to have a look.