Friday 8th June 2018

Goats, poo and worms
All continues to be good on the goat front: Onion is pretty much back to normal although a tad underweight still but she is out all day browsing and is eating her grass nuts, alfalfa and sugar beet with great gusto.
Relaxed at Home
We continue to do our Fecal Egg Counts for all the goats and as is the way with them, we get a few medium or high egg counts and have also had a few coccidia eggs showing up as well. Sorrel's poo was hideous for a while although it seems it was more because of her food as her egg count was only just above the normal. Sorrel has a grain intolerance but is seems now that even a mixed pelleted food (she has been on lamb finisher for a while) does not really agree with her so for the moment she is back on simple pellets along with Onion!
The kids on the whole are all very bonny and fighting fit – we get the odd mucky bum or two which tend to come and then go but we will be doing a fill set of FECs for the kids in the next week or so as well!!!
It's pretty crucial to keep up to speed with worming protocols for the goats - they don't ever tend to become immune in the same way as sheep do and so even as adults, the risk of high burdens remain. We are lucky to have Rachel as our vet as she is brilliant at helping us keep on top of it all!!!
(There were other feed truggs put out for the goats by the way – they just all decided this one was best!!!)