Thursday 1st June 2018

Still with us
Onion is still with us, again we don’t feel she is any better but we also don’t feel she is any worse which, after two days, is 'possibly' a good sign (we are hanging onto anything positive we can).
Relaxed at Home
We are spending our days drenching her with the antacid, pro-rumen and the twin-lamb preparation and collecting as many different types of browsing as we can in order to get her to eat. She still has diarrhea but by now this will be from the small amount she is eating rather than the 'rubbish' from her rumen so at least things are moving in the right direction (physically!). She ate very little today until the evening when she had a few mouthfuls of wilted nettle, bramble and ivy. She is drinking a fair bit: a very good sign!!
We have now removed the kids, both sides are stressed but they can still see and smell and even touch each other and so we hope the benefit for Onion in not having to give milk, outweighs her upset at not having the kids right besides her!!