Tuesday 22nd May 2018

Coloured eggs
In our quest for coloured egg layers (and having inadvertently sold the ones we bred last year), we have gone for broke and bought in a load of hatching eggs. So, from the back we have: dark browns (Marans), green/blue (Shetland and Legbars) and white (Leghorns). (The photo doesn’t quite do all the colours justice..).
Relaxed at Home
We also have six more to come: brown eggs but due to the genetics behind the breeding, the resulting hens will be green egg layers, the birds should also be sex-linked as well so we can sex at hatching!!
Depending on what hatches out and how many, we will keep some as laying hens and then also a couple of cockerels so that we get the chance to produce our own coloured egg layers when we breed again next year.
in the absence of enough reliable broodies at the moment, these eggs are going in the incubator but we will keep our fingers crossed that when they hatch we will have broody mums waiting!!!