Wednesday 18th April 2018

Gloria the Gosling!!
After the huge success of hatching 12 goslings from 15 viable eggs, we were optimistic about the next five due to hatch!! It is rather disappointing to announce therefore, that we have just one new gosling– although the good news is that it is a female!!! As we type this, she is in residence on Jack’s desk as our efforts to put her with a broody hen weren’t successful. The hen in question, an Indian Game, was fine when we put the gosling under her but when they came out to feed, she attacked her!!!
Relaxed at Home
Quite how this will pan out remains to be seen, ultimately it would be best if the gosling, now named Gloria, joins the others with Tom, Margot and Barbara but at the moment she is just too wee and vulnerable. It is rather lovely having her to look after although already she is very demanding, and wanting to be with Jack all the time. Geese really do imprint and it’s going to be an interesting journey with her for sure…
And in other better news, we found TWO goose eggs tonight in their stall. One was definitely laid today by Margot and we wonder whether the other was laid yesterday and by her too. Barbara is mum number one with the goslings so we would be surprised if she is back in lay. It’s great news though as it means we can do yet more hatching!! Whether we use the incubator or leave them for Barbara is to be decided. As the geese now have their own stall, we could go for the later!!
Having begun to lay on 17th Feb, we are now entering the start of month three which is fab as geese don’t usually lay much more than for two months!!
There are very precious these goose eggs.