Monday 26th March 2018

Our first ducklings
Back on 16th February we wrote about Berry and her ‘secret’ nest of 11 eggs that we had discovered in the lean-to. We had the 21st of this month as a potential due date for hatching and so since Wednesday we had been carefully checking for signs of pipping. We saw/felt a couple of pipped shells on Friday (23rd) and then on Saturday evening we heard the dulcet sounds of a cheeping duckling. Last night when we checked again, we felt six soft bundles and five eggs. This morning five eggs remained unhatched with no sign of life and so we concluded that hatching had finished and we could now move mum and youngsters to a slightly safer, drier place.
Relaxed at Home
We popped them all in a cat basket and put them in our newly set up Barn Broody Area complete with chick crumbs, straw and water. Berry was a bit stressed about being moved and we had the delights oh hearing and then smelling lots of ‘broody’ poo but she soon settled and within a couple of hours, much dabbling, drinking and feeding was taking place. Two of the six ducklings have totally brown heads with the other two being more traditional yellow and brown. As ever with ducklings they are VERY sweet!!!