Sunday 11th March 2018

Waiting on our turkeys
Staying with our poultry for another day, and so to the turkeys and thoughts of turkey poults. Last year our first hatch wasn’t until 25th May, which means the turkeys began laying near the start of April, so we've a way to go yet! We do wonder whether they might start soon mind you. The females are quite noisy and restless at the moment and wandering in and out of the stables a fair bit. Napoleon is also displaying well, as the photo shows, A top breeder once told me that when you see your stag mating, eggs will appear three weeks after that. Well, we haven’t seen a full mating from Napoleon yet but he is definitely getting in the mood!!!
Relaxed at HomeRelaxed at Home
We hope one the turkeys will go broody in the pig arc as they did last year but NOT nest share as that didn’t go so well!!!
VERY excited about having turkey poults again!! Definitely the most entertaining of all our poultry!!