Friday 27th October 2017

Sunsets and goats
A rather glorious sunset, signalling a fabulous end to today and hopefully a good start for tomorrow.
Relaxed at Home
This week we have made yet another decision about the goats: we have decided after all, that we will put our remaining wether (Shale) in the freezer! This is partly or mainly because if we want to breed goats (which we do) we cannot always rely on being able to sell all the boys. Goats CAN make great pets but for some people, the 'novelty' of 'cute kids' can wear off (they do after all, grow up) and we don’t want the thought of selling animals that may then end up needing to be rehomed.
Our Anglo Nubian billy arrives in December, giving us more time to hopefully get Sorrel a little more weighty (she is still doing okay on that front, slow but steady). As mentioned back on the 15th October, we will also be weaning her kids - something that we had hoped would happen naturally, but Coriander still tries to get milk from mum and whilst she does so, Sorrel will keep on producing it and so diverting energy away from her body into her milk production. We are set to now do this once Shale goes off to the abattoir in just over a week which will then leave Sorrel and Onion together without any kids. Hopefully, this will also help them to bond more...
The long term plan is to breed pure Anglo Nubians and AN/Boer crosses – females from the crosses could be attractive for breeding from for meat animals and any males could be meat for us. ANs are quite sought after and the boys are actually more attractive as pets than the Boers because they are slighter...
It's a plan, and as we always say, looks good for now!!!