Sunday 10th September 2017

And then there were five...
And so today we said farewell to Garlic, Ryka and Terelle. Our chap turned up and he liked what he saw and we felt it was the right decision. It was nonetheless hard and dear Onion and Shale screamed and screamed as we led the three of them away. Garlic and her kids are going to live on a 50 acre farm in South Devon and with any luck they will be joined by a few more quite soon, some hopefully from Avril, from whom we bought Pepper!!
Relaxed at Home
So now we have five goats and the most amazing thing was that they spent the rest of the day being a group of five, as opposed to a group of Boers and a group of Anglo Nubians. Onion always did get on better with Sorrel than Garlic did and it has not been unusual to see the two of them sharing a hay rack. It was wonderful this afternoon, to see them as a group, trotting off down the field together to do a spot of browsing (in between rain storms). This was not something they did before!!
Hopefully we will have more of the same as the next few days/weeks progress.